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The National Junior Honor Society is the middle level counterpart to the National Honor Society. The National Honor Society is the national organization established to recognize outstanding high school students not only in Scholarship, but also in the areas of Leadership, Service and Character. The NJHS has the added purpose of recognizing and encouraging students in the area of Citizenship. The NJHS has its own constitution and handbook, but it is sponsored and supervised by the National Association of Secondary School Principals which appoints a National Council--the controlling body of NHS and NJHS. The NHS National Council establishes the national standards for all NHS and NJHS chapters. Local chapters create their own by-laws which are to be consistent with and comply with the NHS and NJHS National Constitutions.
All membership selection is handled through the local school chapter.
NJHS is more than just an honor roll. There are chapter rules for membership based on a student’s outstanding performance in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, citizenship, and character.
