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Band: Brett Poteet & Patricia Raglin

Choir: Clint Fleming

Cheerleaders: Kim Foster and Anissa Garza

The Forbes Middle School cheerleaders support the academic and athletic programs at Forbes. The girls are selected by a panel of professional judges each spring and are involved in service activities as well as being present at many athletic events. Cheerleaders at FMS are held to a high standard of grade and conduct performance and are expected to represent Forbes and GISD in a positive manner. 
FMS Cheerleaders perform at football games, basketball games, parades, pep rallies, and other events in order to help keep the Forbes school spirit soaring.

Orchestra: Justin Farrow

Orchestra, in Georgetown, begins in the sixth grade. The class teaches students to play the violin, viola, cello, string bass, or harp. The orchestra sometimes becomes a full symphony orchestra incorporating wind, brass, and percussion students selected from the band.
Orchestra classes perform many concerts throughout the year both at school and in the community. They also visit the elementary schools to introduce the instruments to the younger students.
Each year concludes with a festival performance at such places as San Antonio, Dallas, Corpus Christi, New Braunfels, Galveston, and, for high school students, the occasional out of state contest.

Drama: Haley Brower

MathCounts: (No MathCounts this year) 

MathCounts is an organization where students solve fun and challenging math problems and compete against schools from all over the area. Teamwork is emphasized, as well as learning new and interesting ways to solve problems. 

Tennis: Reagan Willman

The tennis program at Forbes gives students a chance to experience competitive tennis and get a head start toward participating at GHS. The teams play against other area schools in dual matches, school vs school, and open tournaments. The atmosphere is one of "lets have fun and learn to compete with good sportsmanship". We play both Fall and Spring seasons with the District tournament at the end of the Spring season. 

Girls' Athletics: Kristy Schreiber, Coordinator

Girls’ Athletics is for 7th and 8th grade girls who want to play competitive sports in middle school. Sports offered are volleyball, cross country, basketball and track. Before and after school practices are mandatory depending on the sport and the grade you are in. All athletes are expected to maintain good grades in the classroom and be a positive role model for other students in the school. Admission to the program is by approval of the coaching staff.

Boys' Athletics: Paul Gammage, Coordinator  


Student Council: Sonja Brewer

Student Council is a group of elected and volunteer students working together within the framework of a constitution to provide a means for student expression in school affairs and activities. Students participate in the membership of a democracy, develop citizenship, maintain high standards of cooperation, loyalty and fair play, recognize works of merit and encourage student/faculty/community relations.

National Junior Honor Society: Anissa Garza

The National Junior Honor Society is the middle-level counterpart to the National Honor Society. The National Honor Society is the national organization established to recognize outstanding high school students not only in Scholarship but also in the areas of Leadership, Service, and Character. The NJHS has the added purpose of recognizing and encouraging students in the area of Citizenship. The NJHS has its own constitution and handbook, but it is sponsored and supervised by the National Association of Secondary School Principals which appoints a National Council--the controlling body of NHS and NJHS. The NHS National Council establishes the national standards for all NHS and NJHS chapters. Local chapters create their own by-laws which are to be consistent with and comply with the NHS and NJHS National Constitutions.
All membership selection is handled through the local school chapter. NJHS is more than just an honor roll. There are chapter rules for membership based on a student’s outstanding performance in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, citizenship, and character.

Yearbook: Alexandra De Leon

Interact Rotary Club: