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Girls PE (Lifetime Fitness)

Lifetime Fitness is a traditional physical education class.  
Objective: To obtain the knowledge and experience necessary to live an active and healthy lifestyle. 
Daily Schedule: We will cover a variety of units including volleyball, basketball, soccer, hockey, tennis, aerobics, cooperative games, kickball, softball, weight training, football, racquet sports and track. Students will also participate in weekly fitness days.
Students are expected to:
                1.  Arrive on time and dress out every day 
                2.  Use issued combination lock and locker to secure belongings
                3.  Participate to the best of your ability 
                4.  Treat everyone how you would like to be treated 
                4.  HAVE FUN AND GET FIT!!!
Fitness Gram, the state-mandated fitness test, will be given to all students in every grade each semester.  The results of these tests are reported to the state.

Each student will need to purchase a PE Uniform from ($26) from the coaches at the beginning of the 2024-25 school year.  The uniform consists of a gray cotton blend t-shirt and black shorts.

Each student needs to remove all jewelry for class (including earrings) and put long hair in a ponytail.  If your daughter has had her ears recently pierced and cannot remove them, you will need to provide tape or band-aids to cover her ears during PE.

We will issue each student a locker and lock to use while in class.  Encourage your daughter to use the locker to secure her things.  The Coaching Staff and school are not responsible for items that are not locked up.  The cost for lost locks is $5.00.

If your daughter is not feeling well and you do not want her to participate in PE, please send a note.  A parental note will excuse a student for up to 3 consecutive days, after that, a doctor’s note will be needed.   Students should continue to dress out even if they have a note from a parent.  Excuse notes from a doctor will be honored as indicated in the note.

We are looking forward to a great year with your daughter.  Please call me if you have any concerns or questions.