Powerlifting is a sport in GISD where athletes compete in bench press and squat to achieve a max lift. 3 attempts are given for each individual lift and scored on technique as pass/fail. We encourage all of our athletes to compete in this sport as there are weight classes from 90 pounds up to super heavyweights, and is not based on grade.
The weight room will be open before school every day from 7:45-8:40 and after school until 5:10 Monday-Thursday. Offseason athletes will be expected to come in at least 3-4 times a week to work on technique and form. Basketball players are expected to come at least twice opposite their BB practice times to do the Bench workout and the Squat workout.
We are finalizing dates for meets, with Jan 10 at GHS being a set day.
Coach Headrick is in charge of powerlifting for all boys and girl athletes.