Amy Reid
Dyslexia Specialist
Forbes Middle School
Phone: 943-5000 x 7732
My Education & Teaching Background
I graduated from Texas A&M in 2001 with an English degree! This is my 22nd year in education and my 20th year with GISD. I have taught 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th graders over the years. I am beginning my eighth year as the campus dyslexia specialist. I began teaching at Forbes in 2005, and I taught 8th grade English/language arts for a number of years before becoming a dyslexia specialist. I am passionate about educating my students and also increasing awareness about dyslexia. My passion for this field of work is both personal and professional. I believe teaching is an awesome calling, and I am looking forward to the best year yet. Please contact me if you have a question or concern. The fastest way to reach me is via e-mail.
My husband John and I are the proud parents of two amazing young women. Our oldest (an EVHS graduate) is a Tarleton Texan and our youngest is a Georgetown Eagle.
Class/Course Information:
PLP-D: Unlike elementary level dyslexia classes, I am required to collect a minimum of 12 grades per nine weeks (9-daily and 3- tests) We will use the MRS curriculum. We will also incorporate DMS (Developing Metacognitive skills) in our weekly routine. In addition we will work on morphology and vocabulary building. On occasion, with much notice, students will have "spelling tests"; these tests actually measure the student's ability to apply the spelling patterns being taught in the class. We will have a mastery check every 5th lesson. This helps me to assess whether my kids are ready to move forward or not. We will also have a word of the day each day that is pulled from our reading practice, and we build a deck from those words and students will be tested over the vocabulary. The words will be tested in sets of 10. We prepare in class using games and card decks.
1st period: PLP-dyslexia
2nd period: SOAR
3rd perod: PLP- dyslexia
4th period: Inclusion support 7th grade language arts
5th period: Monitor/ARD meetings
6th period: PLP-Dyslexia
7th period: PLP-Dyslexia
8th period: Conference/planning