Justin De Freitas
Students can find all required assignments for my classes as well as instructional reference materials in our online Schoology Classrooms. Parents, if you would like information about what we are studying in class, please ask your student to log in to Schoology and show you.
Tutorials | Math Tutoring Tuesday-Thursday | 7:20 AM - 8:20 AM |
Period 1 | Math 8th | 8:45 AM - 9:35 AM |
Period 2 | SOAR | 9:38 AM - 10:09 AM |
Period 3 | Math 8th | 10:12 AM - 11:02 AM |
Period 4 | Math 8th | 11:05 AM - 11:55 AM |
Period 5 | Math 8th | 11:58 AM - 12:28 PM |
Lunch | Math 8th | 12:31 PM - 1:21 PM |
Period 6 | Conference (By Appointment) | 1:24 PM - 2:14 PM |
Period 7 | Conference (By Appointment) | 2:17 PM - 3:07 PM |
Period 8 | Math 7/8 | 3:10 PM - 4:00 PM |
Book List
Hi, I'm Justin De Freitas and I teach Math at Forbes Middle School. This is my fifth year at Forbes Middle School. I have also taught English Language Arts and Reading, both 6th and 7th grade here at Forbes.
I am very grateful to be able to serve the students of GISD, and I am so happy to be a part of this amazing community!
When I'm not teaching, or reading my favorite fantasy novels, I enjoy playing Dungeons and Dragons as well as a variety of other video and board games!